


I have only been in Motoyama for less than a month, but I`ve learned a lot of things. A couple days ago I went to the Fumie Oohara museum, and last night I attended a local towns meeting where I learned that the Asemi River in Motoyama is world renown amongst geologists. I was told Fumie Oohara was a famous author born in Motoyama, and I`m considering reading one of her more famous works ` A girl named En`, but I`ll have to study Japanese more before I would be able to read it. In regards to the `geological wonders` of Asemi River, I`ll make sure to tell anyone who has a keen interest in geology to one day visit Motoyama. There`s one more thing that I learned this week that I wanted to mention, a Tosa style drinking concept called `henpai`. Now, I think this is how I goes; first you offer someone a sake cup and pour it for them, then after the person drinks that cup, he or she gives back the cup and returns the favor. Repeat indefinitely. I`m sure I will be participating in my fair share of `henpai` this year but I only ask that everyone take it easy on me as I do not have the strongest tolerance for alcohol. In closing I`d just like to say that whether it be literature, geology or drinkology, there is a lot more I would like to learn about Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Tosa, and Motoyama.




Last night I went to bed at 6pm and woke up at 7 in the morning. That‘s 13 hours of total sleep, oh and I missed dinner too. Why was I that tired? Well, for the last two days I was at the `Mori to Mizu no Camping` trip, which basically suggests that it’s a camping trip which involves forest and water. It’s a trip organized for kids from all over Kochi-ken, to get them to appreciate the wonders of nature and the fun of the great out doors! The whole trip is about 3 days long, but I arrived on the second day. That day we did a `shower climb` which is basically a hiking trip, but we traveled not along, but inside the river. You should have seen some of the crazy water falls we (including ever single child) climbed! After a few hours of that, we came back and enjoyed what was to me the best meal I have had in Motoyama thus far; an out door BBQ. The feature of the BBQ was Reihoku beef, which was, arguably the best beef I`ve ever had. The next day we went river rafting with the kids, where we basically rafted half the time and swam in the river along side the boats during the other half. It was the first time I have done BOTH `shower climbing` and river rafting, and it was great. Back in Canada as a kid I used to go to the Lake and go camping with my family a lot but its been about 10 years since my last camping trip. I`ve also developed some sort of allergy against bug bites as well, so I`ve recently been avoiding `the great out doors` for a while, but half a bottle of bug repellent did wonders (although I got bit about 6 times). And that is why I was MIA for 13 hours. I have to rest up soon though because I have a rafting festival to participate in on Sunday!



東京のJETオリエンテーションでは皆「田舎はとても暇な所です」とよく言われましたが、僕の最初の一週間は楽しい事ばかりでした。金曜日にはシェヴオンとジョンに誘われ、よさこいを見に行きました。 高知市はもちろん初めてでしたが、よさこい見たいな盛大な日本祭りを見るのも初めてだったので凄く楽しかったです。 トロントにも「カリバナ」と言う祭りがあります。 二週間も続き、何千人がパレードに参加する北アメリカ大陸では一番大きいカリビアン祭りです。 カリバナについてもっと情報が欲しい人はどうぞこのリンクをご覧ください (残念ながら英語だけです)。
その次の日、町民際であげくに思いついた自己紹介の後は美味しいビールを飲ませていただき、役場と教育委員会の皆さんと踊りました。 美味しい串焼きやたこ焼きも食べました!
さすがに次の日はぐったりだったので、一日中休みましたけど月曜日にはシェヴオンに紹介され、太鼓クラスに参加してもらいました。 初心者だったので間違いばかりで、若いのに足腰が始めはジンと来ました。情けないですね!

Everyone told me at the JET orientation in Tokyo that `you will be bored in rural villages`, but my first week has been very fun and eventful. On Friday Shevaun and John took me to Kochi City to see the Yosakoi festival. It was the first time I have seen such a large Japanese festival in my life! In Toronto however we do have a festival called Caribana that rivals the intensity of Yosakoi. Caribana is the largest Caribbean festival in North America which lasts for 2 weeks, involving thousands of extravagantly dressed dancers parading through the downtown streets of Toronto. Those who are interested in Caribana can get more information from the following site:

The very next day was the town festival where after my semi-improvised self introductory speech; I drank a few beers and danced with some of my co-workers. I also enjoyed a few beef and chicken sticks and takoyaki. The next day I was admittedly tired after two days of partying, so I enjoyed a nice day of absolutely nothing. The day after that however, Shevaun and John came by again and introduced me to Taiko (Japanese drum) class and I have to say it was really fun. Unfortunately, I realized how badly out of shape I was when my legs were pretty strained after 30 min of drumming. Quite sad actually.


Welcome Me


ブログは生まれて初めて始めますけど、一体何を書くのか分かりませんので、最初には自分の自己紹介を英語に訳します。 これからは週に一回ぐらいできる限りこのブログに僕の経験やら考えていることを日本語と英語に書きたいと思っています。できるだけ直接に翻訳をしたいですけど、ところどころ意味が違うかもしれませんのでその辺は気をつけてください。 もし英語に興味ある人が翻訳について質問がありましたらどうぞいつでも質問してください。


Hello, my name is Noboru Maemura from Canada, and I am the new CIR for the town of Motoyama.  I was born in Toronto Ontario, and I have lived their all my life.  My mom was born in Sapporo and my dad is from Kagoshima.  Since both my parents are Japanese nationals, I am indeed Japanese in blood and in appearance, but as you will all find out soon, I am Canadian in many ways.  Since I have arrived here, everybody in Motoyama has been complimenting my Japanese speaking ability, but in reality in Canada I had literally no opportunity to speak, read or write Japanese expect with my mother.  With that in mind, please forgive me if I say something rude to you in Japanese.  I‘ve heard from everyone I‘ve met that my predecessor Margie was a fantastic CIR and person.  I will try my best to not tarnish the high standard of behavior that Margie and the previous CIRs have set so far.

Thank you very much,

Noboru Maemura