ブログは生まれて初めて始めますけど、一体何を書くのか分かりませんので、最初には自分の自己紹介を英語に訳します。 これからは週に一回ぐらいできる限りこのブログに僕の経験やら考えていることを日本語と英語に書きたいと思っています。できるだけ直接に翻訳をしたいですけど、ところどころ意味が違うかもしれませんのでその辺は気をつけてください。 もし英語に興味ある人が翻訳について質問がありましたらどうぞいつでも質問してください。
Hello, my name is Noboru Maemura from Canada, and I am the new CIR for the town of Motoyama. I was born in Toronto Ontario, and I have lived their all my life. My mom was born in Sapporo and my dad is from Kagoshima. Since both my parents are Japanese nationals, I am indeed Japanese in blood and in appearance, but as you will all find out soon, I am Canadian in many ways. Since I have arrived here, everybody in Motoyama has been complimenting my Japanese speaking ability, but in reality in Canada I had literally no opportunity to speak, read or write Japanese expect with my mother. With that in mind, please forgive me if I say something rude to you in Japanese. I‘ve heard from everyone I‘ve met that my predecessor Margie was a fantastic CIR and person. I will try my best to not tarnish the high standard of behavior that Margie and the previous CIRs have set so far.
Thank you very much,
Noboru Maemura
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