東京のJETオリエンテーションでは皆「田舎はとても暇な所です」とよく言われましたが、僕の最初の一週間は楽しい事ばかりでした。金曜日にはシェヴオンとジョンに誘われ、よさこいを見に行きました。 高知市はもちろん初めてでしたが、よさこい見たいな盛大な日本祭りを見るのも初めてだったので凄く楽しかったです。 トロントにも「カリバナ」と言う祭りがあります。 二週間も続き、何千人がパレードに参加する北アメリカ大陸では一番大きいカリビアン祭りです。 カリバナについてもっと情報が欲しい人はどうぞこのリンクをご覧ください (残念ながら英語だけです)。
その次の日、町民際であげくに思いついた自己紹介の後は美味しいビールを飲ませていただき、役場と教育委員会の皆さんと踊りました。 美味しい串焼きやたこ焼きも食べました!
さすがに次の日はぐったりだったので、一日中休みましたけど月曜日にはシェヴオンに紹介され、太鼓クラスに参加してもらいました。 初心者だったので間違いばかりで、若いのに足腰が始めはジンと来ました。情けないですね!
Everyone told me at the JET orientation in Tokyo that `you will be bored in rural villages`, but my first week has been very fun and eventful. On Friday Shevaun and John took me to Kochi City to see the Yosakoi festival. It was the first time I have seen such a large Japanese festival in my life! In Toronto however we do have a festival called Caribana that rivals the intensity of Yosakoi. Caribana is the largest Caribbean festival in North America which lasts for 2 weeks, involving thousands of extravagantly dressed dancers parading through the downtown streets of Toronto. Those who are interested in Caribana can get more information from the following site:
The very next day was the town festival where after my semi-improvised self introductory speech; I drank a few beers and danced with some of my co-workers. I also enjoyed a few beef and chicken sticks and takoyaki. The next day I was admittedly tired after two days of partying, so I enjoyed a nice day of absolutely nothing. The day after that however, Shevaun and John came by again and introduced me to Taiko (Japanese drum) class and I have to say it was really fun. Unfortunately, I realized how badly out of shape I was when my legs were pretty strained after 30 min of drumming. Quite sad actually.
1 件のコメント:
Hey Noboru
Looks like you're doing a fantastic job of keeping on top of the great town of Motoyama. Say hi to all for me.
ex CIR Ben Bopf