
Athletic Fesitval!!

しつこいようですけど改めて体育祭の良さに関して話したいと思います。 今、カナダとアメリカでは子供の肥満が大分問題になっているのです。 コーラやらポテトチップスやら悪いカロリーをじゃんじゃん食べ、ろくに運動しないでゲームばかりしている子供たちが増えているからだと言います。 一応体育授業は義務教育としてありますけど、授業が嫌いで仮病で休む子供たちが多くなっています。 それに、肥満の子は体育授業中にいじめられるのが嫌なのです。 日本でもそういう問題は決してないとは言い切れませんけど、私がこの前見た生徒の誰にでも応援する姿はすがすがしかったです。 足が速かろうが遅かろうが、自分なりに一生懸命することが大事だと言うことが皆によく伝わっていたと思います。 
僕も色々と参加してもらいました! 土曜日は先生と保護者のリレーに入っていたのですけど、100m走なんか10年ぶりだったので緊張していました。 日曜日も吉野小学校では全力で走り、さすがに月曜日疲れていました。  日曜日には走るだけじゃなく、本山小学校では「アベック風セン割」と「人間ポンプ」にも参加しました! ちなみに皆さん「アベック」とはフランス語だと知っていましたか? 英語では“with”、「一緒」という意味です。 

運動会も楽しかったけど、先生と関係者と一緒の慰労会がとても楽しかったです。 先生たちは運動会の練習でとても忙しくてあまりゆっくり話し合う機会が無かったので、嬉しかったです!日曜日は残念ながら吉野小学校の慰労会に出席することができなかったので、近いうちに吉小の皆さんとパーティーすることを楽しみにしています!

At the risk of being repetitive, I just want to reiterate the greatness of the Athletic Festival in Japan. If you are Canadian or American, you have probably heard that obesity and especially child hood obesity is an “epidemic”. While I do believe that this is an exaggeration, there’s no question that more and more kids these days are enjoying their junk food as they play their Xbox or PlayStation all day in their rooms. We do have physical education as required classes from grade school to grade 10, but there always seems to be the kid with a doctor’s note, or some other reason to skip. It doesn’t help that bullying seems to occur most often during P.E. class more than any other one. I’m not saying of course that these problems don’t exist in Japan, but I felt that I saw something that was very foreign to me; seeing every student cheer on their colleagues whether they were first or last. I felt that here the kids understood that it did not matter how fast or slow you are, as long as you gave it your all. I remember hearing this phrase all the time as a kid, but I really think that it would have meant something totally different if I heard it as a child growing up in this country.
Anyways, I also participated in many events myself! On Saturday I ran a relay race with teachers and parents, which was the first time I ran track in over about 10 years. I ran in a relay on Sunday as well, so my legs were a bit sore on Monday. I also participated in a couple’s balloon popping game, and another game where we had to fill up a bottle by carrying water in a spoon.
The Festival itself was great fun, but what was also great was the after party with the teachers and staff afterwards. The teachers especially were very busy the last month, so this was the first time I got to have a good conversation with a lot of them. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go to the after party for Yoshino elementary, but I am looking forward for the next special occasion to drink with them. Well, this Sports fest is over, but there is another one coming up next week so I better start working out!

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